Google Pay
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Versiunea în limba română:
Puteți utiliza aplicația Google Pay, folosind doar adresa de e-mail sau numărul de telefon. Google Play nu vă va percepe nicio cheltuială pentru acest serviciu.
Iată cum o faci pe iOS și Android
- Deschide Google Pay. Dacă utilizați iOS, atingeți +Trimite sau Solicitați în partea de jos a ecranului. Dacă utilizați Android, atingeți Trimiteți în partea dreaptă a ecranului și apoi apăsați + Trimiteți sau Solicitați.
- Alegeți o persoană de contact pentru a plăti.
- Introduceți suma pe care trebuie să o trimiteți.
- Apăsați pe Trimitere.
English version:
You can easily send money fast with Google Pay.
You can send money to anyone in the US with a QR code or with their name, phone number, or email address.
To send money to friends and family with Google Pay, you need:
- An internet connection
- A US phone number
- An email address
Important: If you try to send money to someone not in your contact list, you get an alert. Before you send money, verify the phone number and name of the recipient.
You can send money to friends and family with a bank account or debit card. To send money with your Google Pay balance, verify your identity. The fastest method to send money to someone is with your Google Pay balance or a debit card.
If the person you want to send money to isn’t on the new Google Pay app or doesn’t allow people to search for them, you can still use a debit card or a Google Pay balance to send them money.
- Open the Google Pay app .
- To search by name, phone, email, or QR code, tap Send or request Search.
- Tap the contact you want to pay.
- You might get the message that the person may not have the Google Pay app or that they don’t allow people to search for them. You can still send them money with a debit card or your Google Pay balance.
- They’re sent instructions on how to claim the payment. If they don’t claim it within 7 days, the request expires.
- Tap Pay.
- Enter the amount.
- To describe your payment, you can add a note.
- You can send money with Google Pay within the Google Pay limits.
- Choose a payment method.
- If the amount is equal to or less than the amount in your Google Pay balance, Google Pay balance funds it fully.
- If there’s no payment method, add a payment method.
- Tap Pay.